Firebomber Publications Blog

Wildfire News Of The Day (the Firebomber Publications blog) provides comprehensive international wildfire news. Subscribers include over 10,000 personnel from fire agencies, contractors, and government entities on five continents. "BEST NEWSLETTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 32 YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE" - San Diego Fire Department Chief Brian Fennessy.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Evergreen Magazine

Wildfire NOTD subscriber Jim Petersen, Founder and President of the Evergreen Foundation, sent along the latest issue of Evergreen Magazine, with contributions by NOTD subscriber Michael Rains, a former Deputy Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, and NOTD subscriber Frank Carroll, Partner at Wildfire Pros PFMc, and the following comments: 'We have paired Frank Carroll's Smokey Dragon illustration with Michael Rain's latest Call to Action because we all share a belief that the risk of wildfire in western federal forests is now so high that there is no place where the Forest Service can safely tinker with what it calls "managed fire for ecosystem benefit.'"

Evergreen Magazine

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