Firebomber Publications Blog

Wildfire News Of The Day (the Firebomber Publications blog) provides comprehensive international wildfire news. Subscribers include over 10,000 personnel from fire agencies, contractors, and government entities on five continents. "BEST NEWSLETTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 32 YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE" - San Diego Fire Department Chief Brian Fennessy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


A press release shows how Verizon Wireless is helping customers in the western United States be prepared for natural disasters like wildfires (1); while the next item revisits the thorny issue of San Diego Gas & Electric's quest for rate hikes that would total up to nearly $30 million to cover expenses resulting from wildfires (2). Firefighters in the Texas Panhandle have had their hands full as wildfires burned 4,000 acres across three counties (3); and seventeen fire departments in Central Texas battled a 300-acre arson wildfire yesterday (4). With a recommendation from the South Carolina Forestry Commission, residents of Horry County are moving ahead with a Firewise program (5). Russia's Prime Minister looks back on the severe test wildfires caused this past summer in the following article (6). An Israeli fire chief on a tour of the US commented on how badly underfunded firefighters are in his country (7); followed by an article which reveals the secret war between wildfire arsonists and authorities in Israel during the Carmel Forest fire (8). With the advent of bushfire season in Victoria, Australia, firefighters are getting refresher courses on servicing air-tankers (9); while a slow-moving bushfire that briefly threatened homes in Perth, Western Australia, has been extinguished (10). A housing development in South Australia's Adelaide Hills is being planned with an eye towards bushfire safety (11); but as the bushfire danger increases in parts of New South Wales, authorities are warning residents to be prepared (12). And finally, firefighters in Santa Barbara County, California, have found an innovative way to fund their department: put them on a reality TV show!

(1) 'Making Wireless Reliable In The West' - That's What Verizon Wireless Does

(2) SDG&E GRC Wildfire Rate Hike Finally Filed With CPUC

(3) About 4,000 acres burn in West Texas wildfires

(4) Major Central Texas Wildfire May Have Been Arson

(5) Carolina Forest group backs fire safety

(6) Putin’s biggest challenges in 2010 were wildfires and drought

(7) Fire chief: Carmel blaze will lead to better equipped firefighters

(8) Israel facing arson intifada

(9) CFA and DSE fired up for water bombing

(10) Firefighters contain Perth bushfire in Western Australia

(11) Full steam ahead for Mt Barker growth

(12) Campbelltown and Camden residents urged to be bushfire ready

(13) Santa Barbara firefighters to debut in television reality show

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