Firebomber Publications Blog

Wildfire News Of The Day (the Firebomber Publications blog) provides comprehensive international wildfire news. Subscribers include over 10,000 personnel from fire agencies, contractors, and government entities on five continents. "BEST NEWSLETTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 32 YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE" - San Diego Fire Department Chief Brian Fennessy.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Inmates who volunteer to fight California's largest fires denied access to jobs on release

Despite performing exemplary work fighting wildfires while incarcerated, all too many inmates often can’t work as firefighters once they get out of prison because nearly all California counties require firefighters to become licensed emergency medical technician, a credential that can be denied to almost anyone with a criminal record.

Inmates who volunteer to fight California's largest fires denied access to jobs on release

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