Firebomber Publications Blog

Wildfire News Of The Day (the Firebomber Publications blog) provides comprehensive international wildfire news. Subscribers include over 10,000 personnel from fire agencies, contractors, and government entities on five continents. "BEST NEWSLETTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 32 YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE" - San Diego Fire Department Chief Brian Fennessy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today's wildfire news leads off with an article about a satellite that could map CO2 in the atmosphere, something that echoes an article yesterday about scientists urging Obama to put more money towards revamping our current constellation of satellites. The Dept of Labor will provide funds for over 350 temporary jobs to clean up the post-wildfire mess in California, but despite substantial praise for Montana's proposed wildfire-related bills from many groups, insurance companies are balking at providing info to homeowners on firesafe practices. In New Mexico, residents are concerned about a mountain on fire, while foresters in Colorado are worried about dead, falling trees taking down power lines - a lot of falling trees (on the order of 2 million acres). Heading to Pakistan, wildfires there are adding another problem to a country already beset by terrorists and the occasional earthquake or flood, while people in Ghana, Africa, are concerned about illegal activities that promote bushfires there. Firefighters on the Australian island of Tasmania have their hands full with a bushfire, and another power company is in trouble for a faulty transformer that caused a costly bushfire in South Australia. Difficult terrain in New South Wales is slowing the response to bushfires there, but residents of Sydney who worked with firefighters are being credited with saving their homes, another testimony to 'stay and defend'. As if firefighters didn't have enough to do with bushfires in NSW, two men have been arrested for arson, and firefighters fear lightning could spark still more. Finally, as a testament to the speed and destructiveness of recent bushfires, residents recall just how fast they lost everything.

Orbiting Carbon Observatory Will Help Track Sources Of Rising Carbon Dioxide

U.S. Department of Labor announces $6 million in aid to help California recover from recent wildfires

Insurers buck against fire-safety discounts

Fire Burns 30-40 Acres Near Silver City

Official: Beetle-killed trees a future hazard in Wyoming, Colorado

Bush fire erupts on the Margallas

Ghanaians urged to prevent incidents of bushfires

North-east fire still burning through forest

Transformer blamed for Port Lincoln bushfire

Rough terrain hampering Blue Mountains firefighting efforts

Fire crews, residents save homes

Arson: men charged over starting NSW bushfire

Further bushfire threat after lightning

Five minutes and everything was gone

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