Firebomber Publications Blog

Wildfire News Of The Day (the Firebomber Publications blog) provides comprehensive international wildfire news. Subscribers include over 10,000 personnel from fire agencies, contractors, and government entities on five continents. "BEST NEWSLETTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 32 YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE" - San Diego Fire Department Chief Brian Fennessy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


First up in the wildfire news today, an article by Tony Morris, founder of Wildfire Research Network and member of the San Diego Regional Fire Safety Forum about the Aerial Firefighting Conference he recently attended in Athens, Greece. Plaintiffs keep piling on against Cox Communications and SDG&E over the fires of 2007 - this time San Diego County adds their name to a list that's over 40 plaintiffs long. University of California has compiled a list of researchers involved in wildfire-related studies, and the Aggies of Texas A&M are concerned about the drought in Texas, both from an agricultural standpoint and from the fire danger. The costs keep rising on the Southern California wildfires, as the next article demonstrates, and the hunt for causes continues as well. Pasadena firefighters recount their exploits fighting local wildfires, while residents of Crestline get a dose of reality about how to prepare for wildfires. College students started the Tea Fire inadvertently, but the question remains as to which college they belonged, as detailed by an LA Times article, and residents who suffered losses due to the wildfires can get some relief from the California Franchise Tax Board, as well as some help with lost tax records. An LACoFD Captain recounts the heroic stand crews made in the face of 70 mph wind-driven fires and no water pressure, and the next article outlines the hunt for a serial arsonist in Oregon. Homeowners in Utah were warned that history may repeat itself if they aren't diligent about protecting their homes on the Wasatch Range. In echoes of the five USFS firefighters killed in the Esperanza Fire, eleven Kiwis were injured fighting a bushfire in Victoria state, Australia in 2006, as detailed by the next article. A professor from Sydney, Australia, discusses productive controlled burns in the bush in the following article, and firefighters on Tasmania are preparing for a vicious bushfire season on that island. Finally, guidelines from Florida firefighters on how to revive a 3-foot long lizard (no CPR required).

Aerial Firefighting Conference in Athens, Greece, Addresses International Concern

County Joins Lawsuit Blaming Utilities for Wildfires

UC experts and resources on wildfires

Wildfire concerns heat up as drought lingers

$150 Million Damage from Triangle Fire; Assistance Center Opens in Sylmar

Local strike team helped fight SoCal wildfires

Common Sense To Prevent Fire

Westmont College says its students not to blame for wildfire

State Tax Relief for California Wildfire Victims

Firefighter's stand saves homes of former neighbors in Sylmar's Oakridge Mobile Home Park

Forest fire was arson, officials say

Forest Service officials warn Utah homes face fire danger

Fire crew 'should not have been sent in'

Experts to address Omeo bushfire forum

Training push ahead of fire season

Firefighters resuscitate pet lizard

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